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Discover the transformative power of light frequencies during a light frequency transmission.

In this transmission you can lie down fully clothed on the massage table, close your eyes and observe how your body and mind react to these wonderful healing frequencies.

The focus of treatment is not about combating symptoms but rather on establishing balance and harmony on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.


The light frequencies are undifferentiated and unbroken light that radiates directly from the center of the universe. This full spectrum of light frequencies consists of energy, light and information.

​The human as an energetic being has, in addition to the material body, also an energy body (also called aura). ​When this energy body is charged with the light frequencies, a restructuring of the DNA occurs, resulting in measurably higher levels of bio-photonic light. These photons of light, as they are called in science, are integrated by our body intelligence.


By working with your body's own intelligence, you can be sure that the light photons will be used exactly where they are needed.


Physically speaking, you can say that the light frequencies are transmitted to every single cell.


In which area do light photons help?

  • physically: diseases, pain and injuries, as a supplement to medical therapies,

  • ​mentally and emotionally: stress, burnout, overload, strained sensitivity, depression,

  • spiritually: support on your spiritual path, when discovering (or redescovering) the meaning of life, gain courage and clarity for your own life path, increase your energy and thereby ensure a better spiritual connection, a deep original connection to the universe.


The light frequencies also ensure a better integration of the current upgrades through solar storms and astral events.

This balance is expressed in such a way that people generally feel lighter and more balanced after a treatment.

Duration of the whole appointment : 90 mn. 

Exchange: 100€

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Black Moon Werifesteria

De Numm Black Moon begleet mech scho zanter 2019, deemools war et mäi Pseudonym fir meng Fotografie. Hannert dësem steet meng Léift zum Mound an awer och zur Däischtert, de Schwaarzmound also. 

Wou ech meng Aktivitéit am Beräich vun der Spiritualitéit gegrënnt hunn, wollt dësen Numm onbedéngt bäibehalen. An desem Beräich beschäftegt een sech allgemeng vill mat der Luucht, wat och wonnerschéin ass. Mech faszinéiert awer och déi déif Däischterheet an deem d'Luucht gebuer gëtt. An den däischter Ecker vun eiser Séil fënnt een oft déi déifsten an wichtegst Informatiounen.

Deem huet sech den erfonnten Begrëff Werifesteria bäigefüügt, deen souvill bedeit wéi "sech am Zauber vum Bësch verléieren", wat definitiv eng vu mengen Liblingsbeschäftegungen ass. Déi déif Verbindung zur Natur bréngt net nëmmen Magie an eist Liewen, se erméiglecht eis, eis mat onser eegener Séil ze verbannen.

Iwwert Mech

Mäi Numm ass Cynthia Diogo. 

Ech sinn e Naturmënsch an als Äerdzeechen Jongfra fillen ech mech déif verbonnen mat eiser Äerd. Dofir ass et mer mëttlerweil sou wichteg ginn, hir meng Stemm ze ginn. 

Ech si vun Natur aus introvertéiert, verbréngen gären souvill Zäit wéi méiglech eleng an der Natur, sou lueden ech mech op.

Ech kennen keng Langweil, ech sinn e chaoteschen Liewenskënschtler, deen méi Projet'en am Kapp huet, wéi Zäit se ëmzesetzen a sinn ëmmer um kniwwelen.


Mech langweilt Smalltalk, meng Séil seent sech no déiwen Connectiounen. 


Ech si zanter ëmmer e grousse Fan vun de nordesche Länner, laang wosst ech net wisou, mee wou ech de nordesche Schamanismus entdeckt hunn, huet bemol alles Sënn gemaach. 

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