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Here is an overview of the photo sessions I currently offer:


This session is for you if you want to capture your connection to nature or simply want natural portraits of yourself.



This session is perfect for you: 

- if you simply want natural portraits of yourself,

- if you have never taken photos before and just want to get a little taste,


  • The photoshooting will take place in the south of Luxemburg (around Esch-sur-Alzette),

  • on a week day,

  • "Come as you are" -  you take care of your natural styling and makeup yourself.

  • shooting time : 60 mn.

  • 5 edited photos in natural style (additional photo: 20 € / piece)

  • The photos may be used for personal purposes only.

250 €


This session is perfect for you: 

- if you are ready to give space to your soul and show yourself in all your magical being,

- if you are ready to get the most out of our meeting.

More than just a photo session, this is a profound experience. I want you to feel comfortable and open up. Only in this way, I can get the most out of our gathering to take photos that show you as you really are. To achieve this, it is important for me to work without time pressure. I see this session as a complete project, which I will declare as finished when I know that I have been able to capture your essence.


  • The photoshooting will take place in the south of Luxemburg (around Esch-sur-Alzette),

  • on a week day or the WE,

  • "Come as you are" -  you take care of your natural styling and makeup yourself,

  • 7 edited photos in natural style (additional photo: 20 € / piece)

  • The photos may be used for personal purposes only.

500 €


Can you accept yourself, love yourself, the way you are? ​


How often do you have that feeling of not being good enough, not beautiful, definitely not photogenic? ​


The path of self-forgiveness, self-acceptance and self-love is a long process. ​


Photography can be a wonderful tool to get there, to see yourself from a different point of view, to accept and love yourself a little further. ​


For this session I combine my photographic craft with my spiritual tools.


Much more than "just" a photo session, this is a moment of returning to your own core and a healing moment for heart and soul, which can be captured photographically.


This can be a moment of forgiveness and deep healing if you are willing to allow it.


This session is perfect for you:

- if you are ready to face your self-critical side and walk the path of healing and self-love,

- if you are ready to transform old beliefs, let emotions flow, let go of negative feelings and forgive yourself,

- if you want to see yourself from a different perspective and are ready to recognize and accept your own beauty,

- if you are open to spirituality and natural spirituality,

- if you are open to going a new path.

What to expect:

  • a deep connection with nature and through her help a connection with yourself,

  • I stand by you during this whole session with all my knowledge and skills and my own experience on the path of self-love and hold the space for you,

  • depending on the session and need - meditations, mindfulness, returning to nature, energetic healing, rituals...



  • The photoshooting will take place in the south of Luxemburg (around Esch-sur-Alzette),

  • for the whole ritual you can plan 4 hours,

  • "Come as you are" -  you take care of your natural styling and makeup yourself,

  • 10 edited photos in natural style (additional photo: 20 € / piece)

  • The photos may be used for personal purposes only.



800 €


This session is for you if you want to capture your connection with your soul sister.

  • The photoshooting will take place in the south of Luxemburg (around Esch-sur-Alzette),

  • on a week day,

  • "Come as you are" -  you take care of your natural styling and makeup yourselves.


  • shooting time : 90 mn.

  • 5 edited photos in natural style (additional photo: 20 € / piece)

  • The photos may be used for personal purposes only.

450 € 

heart-repreneur SESSION

This session is for you if you're ready to make yourself authentically visible with your heart activity and you want photos for your website and your social media.


This session is perfect for you:

- if you are starting your heart business or if you have a small budget,

- if you have never taken photos for your activity before and if you want to get a taste of it,

- if you simply want to refresh your pages with a few new photos.


  • 1 location in the south of the country (around Esch-sur-Alzette)

  • 1 outfit

  • preparation call of 20 mn.

  • a photo session of 45 mn. on a weekday

  • 5 edited photos in natural style

  • You will get a commercial, unlimited right of use for your social media, your events, your website, Google, Flyers etc.​

350 € 



This session is perfect for you:

- if you want a variety of photos with which you can build your pages and promote your events,

- if you want to use personalised photos instead of stock photos, 

- if you want to introduce your working space.


  • 2 locations (fe. where you exercise your activity and outdoors)*

  • outfit change possible for more variety

  • preparation call of 30 mn.

  • a photo session of 90 mn. on a weekday or weekends

  • 10 edited photos in natural style (addtional edited photo: 20€ / piece)

  • You will get a commercial, unlimited right of use for your social media, your events, your website, Google, Flyers etc.

650 € 

I travel for an extra charge of 0.30 € per km



This session is perfect for you:​​​​

- if you are ready to show yourself in all your essence,

- if you are ready to get the most out of our meeting.​


More than just a photo session, this is a profound experience. I want you to feel comfortable and open up. Only in this way, I can get the most out of our gathering to take photos that show you as you really are. To achieve this, it is important for us to work without time pressure. I see this session as a complete project, which I will only finish when I know that I have been able to capture your essence.



  • 1 Location

  • Photo session on a weekday or the WE

  • "Come as you are" - you take care of yourself in your natural look, outfit change possible

  • 12 processed photos in natural style (additional processed photo: €20)

  • You get a commercial, temporary, unlimited right of use for your social media, your website, Google, flyers, etc.

800 €


This session is for you if you want artistic photos of yourself.

 More infos coming soon....

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Black Moon Werifesteria

De Numm Black Moon begleet mech scho zanter 2019, deemools war et mäi Pseudonym fir meng Fotografie. Hannert dësem steet meng Léift zum Mound an awer och zur Däischtert, de Schwaarzmound also. 

Wou ech meng Aktivitéit am Beräich vun der Spiritualitéit gegrënnt hunn, wollt dësen Numm onbedéngt bäibehalen. An desem Beräich beschäftegt een sech allgemeng vill mat der Luucht, wat och wonnerschéin ass. Mech faszinéiert awer och déi déif Däischterheet an deem d'Luucht gebuer gëtt. An den däischter Ecker vun eiser Séil fënnt een oft déi déifsten an wichtegst Informatiounen.

Deem huet sech den erfonnten Begrëff Werifesteria bäigefüügt, deen souvill bedeit wéi "sech am Zauber vum Bësch verléieren", wat definitiv eng vu mengen Liblingsbeschäftegungen ass. Déi déif Verbindung zur Natur bréngt net nëmmen Magie an eist Liewen, se erméiglecht eis, eis mat onser eegener Séil ze verbannen.

Iwwert Mech

Mäi Numm ass Cynthia Diogo. 

Ech sinn e Naturmënsch an als Äerdzeechen Jongfra fillen ech mech déif verbonnen mat eiser Äerd. Dofir ass et mer mëttlerweil sou wichteg ginn, hir meng Stemm ze ginn. 

Ech si vun Natur aus introvertéiert, verbréngen gären souvill Zäit wéi méiglech eleng an der Natur, sou lueden ech mech op.

Ech kennen keng Langweil, ech sinn e chaoteschen Liewenskënschtler, deen méi Projet'en am Kapp huet, wéi Zäit se ëmzesetzen a sinn ëmmer um kniwwelen.


Mech langweilt Smalltalk, meng Séil seent sech no déiwen Connectiounen. 


Ech si zanter ëmmer e grousse Fan vun de nordesche Länner, laang wosst ech net wisou, mee wou ech de nordesche Schamanismus entdeckt hunn, huet bemol alles Sënn gemaach. 

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