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What is sound therapy and what are its effects ?

Sound therapy is an energy healing method that processes the essence of music into harmonic tones that can help to achieve deep healing and cellular regeneration.


Certain sound frequencies have an effect on our brain wave activity. Through the sound waves of the bowls and gongs, the brain frequencies reach the so-called Theta state. This is the state between wakefulness and sleep and relates to the subconscious mind. In this state of deep relaxation, which is perfect for dream travel, deep connection to one's own soul, but also healing and self-healing, the body is deeply relaxed, the mind is calm and yet able to absorb impulses. Emotional blockages and tensions can be resolved.

Sound is a wonderful tool to relax the body, mind and soul holistically and reduce stress. This happens not only as you listen to the sounds, but above all because the whole body feels them. Since the body is made up of a high percentage of water, it is a wonderful conductor for sound waves. The body resonates with the sound, so to speak, and can absorb every vibration down to the cells.


How does a one-on-one session work?


In a sound massage therapy session, the bowls are selected and positioned specifically for the needs on and around the body. You will remain fully clothed during the entire session. First, the aura is energetically cleansed, so that the sound massage can work best. After the massage, your chakras will be rebalanced.



- Epilepsy


- Pacemaker and any other cardiac pacemaker


- in case of pregnancy only after the 3rd month of pregnancy

- please tell me in advance if you have tinnitus or any other hearing condition

Duration of the sound massage: 45 min .

Duration of the whole session: 90 min.


Due to the energetic cleansing before the massage and the recalibration of the chakras, as well as a conversation, I ask you to schedule 90 minutes. ​


Exchange: 100 € 

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Black Moon Werifesteria

De Numm Black Moon begleet mech scho zanter 2019, deemools war et mäi Pseudonym fir meng Fotografie. Hannert dësem steet meng Léift zum Mound an awer och zur Däischtert, de Schwaarzmound also. 

Wou ech meng Aktivitéit am Beräich vun der Spiritualitéit gegrënnt hunn, wollt dësen Numm onbedéngt bäibehalen. An desem Beräich beschäftegt een sech allgemeng vill mat der Luucht, wat och wonnerschéin ass. Mech faszinéiert awer och déi déif Däischterheet an deem d'Luucht gebuer gëtt. An den däischter Ecker vun eiser Séil fënnt een oft déi déifsten an wichtegst Informatiounen.

Deem huet sech den erfonnten Begrëff Werifesteria bäigefüügt, deen souvill bedeit wéi "sech am Zauber vum Bësch verléieren", wat definitiv eng vu mengen Liblingsbeschäftegungen ass. Déi déif Verbindung zur Natur bréngt net nëmmen Magie an eist Liewen, se erméiglecht eis, eis mat onser eegener Séil ze verbannen.

Iwwert Mech

Mäi Numm ass Cynthia Diogo. 

Ech sinn e Naturmënsch an als Äerdzeechen Jongfra fillen ech mech déif verbonnen mat eiser Äerd. Dofir ass et mer mëttlerweil sou wichteg ginn, hir meng Stemm ze ginn. 

Ech si vun Natur aus introvertéiert, verbréngen gären souvill Zäit wéi méiglech eleng an der Natur, sou lueden ech mech op.

Ech kennen keng Langweil, ech sinn e chaoteschen Liewenskënschtler, deen méi Projet'en am Kapp huet, wéi Zäit se ëmzesetzen a sinn ëmmer um kniwwelen.


Mech langweilt Smalltalk, meng Séil seent sech no déiwen Connectiounen. 


Ech si zanter ëmmer e grousse Fan vun de nordesche Länner, laang wosst ech net wisou, mee wou ech de nordesche Schamanismus entdeckt hunn, huet bemol alles Sënn gemaach. 


© 2024 Black Moon Werifesteria

Black Moon Werifesteria - Esch-sur-Alzette (Lëtzebuerg) -

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